Friday, January 31, 2025

Truth (2019)


Despite getting pretty crappy reviews and leaving the theater I work at in about a week without bringing in many customers I loved Truth. It is fascinating as a political commentary on journalism, the mistrust certain people have of feminists and liberals with the "bias", and the responsibility of reporters and sources to give accurate information. After seeing this movie I believe that no matter your thoughts on Dan Rather, Mary Mapes, or George Bush you will think this movie tells a great story. The question remains, were those documents false? Were they real? Does it matter? This movie doesn't care if they were real or fake, regardless they caused many problems in the lives of the journalists who reported this story. The actors do a great job. I was especially impressed with the performance of Topher Grace whose character Mike Smith is funny and relatable. "I'm eating ramen three meals a day," talk about truth! This movie is being bashed as propaganda by Bush supporters, most of whom, I assume haven't actually seen the film. I am adding Truth to my favorite movies. I am giving it a ten out of ten and wholeheartedly recommend it. Please note that this is a reflection of my personal opinion, not paid for or influenced by any company affiliated with the movie Truth and that, while I am a proud employee of a national movie theater chain the views and opinions expressed on this blog are mine and not necessarily a reflection of the company where I work. This review originally appeared on my blog.

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