Friday, January 31, 2025

Charlotte's Web (2006)


I have for years adored the book Charlotte's Web. As a parent of two children, I was happy to own the 1973 animated version of this book, which I believe was a splendid adaptation of the book.

I was somewhat apprehensive about taking my children to see this movie because I was afraid that it would be so different from the animated film that they already knew by heart and loved, I feared that my children would immediately have a disdain for this new version.

I was pleasantly surprised. My seven year old and four year old both laughed, sat at the edge of their seats, and yes, cried with the movie. I enjoyed the movie for the most part. There was enough subtle adult humor that I laughed at, which my children did not "get".

However, as brilliant as Steve Buscemi's narration was, I was sorely disappointed with Julia Roberts performance.

Charlotte is a loving, wise spider, almost a foster parent to Wilbur. I found Ms. Robert's narration dull, humdrum and frankly, tedious. I could actually visualize her reading her lines into the microphone, her hands and body moving slightly with the flowing of her words ... all the while Ms. Roberts was counting the dollars in her mind that she would collect for this job. It sounded like she was simply doing her job, and frankly, with little or no conviction, compassion or empathy.

Perhaps Ms. Roberts reading of children's stories would be best left to those times with her own children. Not to paying audiences.

The animation was very good, impressive most of the time. Steve Buscemi as Templeton is definitely a fine performance; Dakota Fanning will continue to capture America's heart for many years to come.

I wish that I could rate the movie higher, because it was a fine adaptation of the book. However, Julia Roberts performance was so disappointing that I cringe to think of her ever narrating another animated character.

Take your children, they will love it. Just try to ignore Ms. Roberts.

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