Friday, January 31, 2025

A Walk in the Woods (2015)

Okay, this movie isn't great art, but it's delightful, funny, filled with veteran actors (Nick Nolte, Robert Redford, Mary Steenburgen, and Emma Thompson who, as usual, is absolutely perfect for the part she plays. I loved it because I'm not a hiker, and I truly felt every bit of resistance that Nolte's character expresses to being out in nature while on foot. There are many, many lines that made me laugh out loud. I am not a laugh-out-loud person generally and I didn't read the book, so I don't know whether Bryson is responsible. I am also resistant to feel-good movies but this was definitely in that genre. I've always loved Nick Nolte and am sad that he has become so obese, but his innate attractiveness made me forget how misshapen he is. Definitely (contrary to at least one reviewer's claims) there was a lot about mortality. Definitely (contrary to a couple of reviewers' claims) there is a plot and there is a destination (I say this as a published novelist and short story writer, as well as a former teacher of creative writing). I suspect this movie appeals more to people of a certain age—it certainly appealed to me.


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